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    Are you passionate about the world of science and the vital role it plays in healthcare, research, and so much more? If so, then hit that 'Follow' button and join us on social media to stay updated on all the latest developments in the field of serum and beyond!
    Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this dynamic and influential community. Join the conversation, ask questions, share your insights, and help us promote a better understanding of serum and it's vital role in the world.
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  • ISIA 2024 Annual
    General Meeting

    Having a great time here at the ISIA 19th AGM
  • ISIA

    Join the ISIA to help us make a more positive impact on the things that matter.
    Here at the ISIA we are at the forefront of animal industry advocacy as well as taking the necessary steps to ensure the highest quality and safety standards. We are working constantly with our members, both serum suppliers and users, to ensure the serum industry works for everyone, especially those passionate about advancing scientific research and development of medicines.
    By becoming part of the ISIA community and actively participating in the association's initiatives, you can help shape the future through promoting industry standards, educational initiatives and driving positive change. Together, we can shape the future of animal serum and its applications for the betterment of society and human health.

    Click here for Membership Information!

  • Educational

    If you missed the ISIA educational module “Comparison of Barrier Technologies in Human vs Bovine Serum” click here to view it in the ISIA Learning Center. 

    If there are other topics you would like to hear about, please send Kathryn Pagani-Lee an email at kpaganilee@serumindustry.org

    Watch this space for upcoming educational modules!

International Serum Industry Association

Members of the International Serum industry Association are collectors, processors and users of animal serum and animal derived products. These products are used extensively in the growth of cells in culture for research and in the production of diagnostic kits, vaccines and biotherapeutic molecules.

The ISIA Mission


ISIA shall establish, promote and assure compliance with uncompromised standards of excellence and ethics in the business practices of the global animal serum and animal derived products supply industry.

Safety and Safe Use

Our primary focus will continue to be on safety and safe use of serum and animal derived products through proper origin traceability, and truth in labeling, and appropriate standardization and oversight.


We will work to educate stakeholders on the scientific foundation of the safe use of serum and animal derived products.

Why Get ISIA Traceability Certification?

Dr. Rosemary Versteegen,

Subject Matter Expert (former CEO)

explains in this video.

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