September 11, 2020 - Serum Importation from USA into Mexico - ISIA Statement
Based on questions from several members, and with input from our legal team, ISIA has recommended to USDA that the word “any” be removed from the affidavit for import into Mexico.
We would ask that rather than sign this affidavit, members join us in working to convince SAGARPA and USDA to change the wording to: which is designed to destroy, inactivate or eliminate viruses, bacteria or causal agents that can cause animal health risk.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recently awarded contracts to purchase up to eight million low-frequency radio frequency identification (RFID) ear tags, which will help increase overall animal disease traceability in cattle and bison. The contract allows APHIS to purchase additional tags each year for up to five years.
NVSL confirmed on April 8, 2020 HPAI in a commercial turkey meat premises in South Carolina.
APHIS attempted to convince the EU to zone and ban only a portion of South Carolina (or at least only South Carolina), but the EU has insisted that their regulation requires USDA to (at least temporarily) immediately stop endorsement of the certificates for fresh/frozen meat to and transiting the EU from the entire United States. (See all info by clicking link above)
ISIA, as an important "Stakeholder" for serum import and export, is now receiving newsletters from DEFRA regarding BREXIT. As each issue arrives we will post it here on the ISIA website and LinkedIn.
Country of Origin vs Source- We are finally in a position to determine the actual geographic SOURCE of the material as distinct from Country of Origin - ie: the country where the last substantial and irreversible transformation took place. Your regulatory team is investigating this with a view to devise some satisfactory definitions as industry benchmarks.